30 Nov Leadership Changes Announced
11/30/22: The following information was shared today from our Executive Director, Carl Rosenkranz, who is retiring on December 30.
The OACAC Board of Directors approved the following recommendations of the Personnel Hiring Committee at its Board meeting on Tuesday, November 29:
Board Appointments to be effective in December:
Jennifer Olson, OACAC CSBG Director/Greene County Center Supervisor, will become the OACAC Interim Executive Director.
Skylar Walker, OACAC CSBG Assistant Director, will become the OACAC Interim CSBG Director.
Cassie Melvin, OACAC Greene County Center Assistant Supervisor, will become the OACAC Interim Greene County Center Supervisor.
OACAC will continue to accept Applications for the position of Executive Director starting December 1.