14 Aug Head Start Smiles Receives $10,000 Donation
Thanks to David O’Reilly, Chairman of the Board at O’Reilly Auto Parts, for his $10,000 gift donation to 2013-2014 Head Start Smiles Campaign and his continued support of OACAC Head Start! Head Start does not receive funding for these dental services so they rely on donation commitments from the public to fund student dental care. All Head Start Students, ages 3 and up, are seen by a dentist twice during the school year for oral exams, full x-rays, fluoride treatment, and cleanings and their cavities and any infection are treated with fillings and crowns. It is the goal of Head Start to have the children’s oral health fully restored during the school year. They also keep costs minimized by enrolling students in private dental insurance or Missouri HealthNet and by receiving services from dental providers that reduce their fees for students of low-income families.