Legislative Update

Good news was received from the National Association for State Community Services Programs (NASCSP):

Dear WAP and CSBG Network,

The Senate Labor-HHS Appropriations subcomittee marked up it’s appropriations bill today. The bill rejects the Administration’s proposal to eliminate LIHEAP and CSBG.

  • The bill provides $700 million for CSBG, less than a 3 percent reduction from fiscal year 2017. Earlier this summer, the House version of the bill cut CSBG from $715 million (FY ’17 level) to $607.5 million. This number is a positive sign of support in the Senate.
  • The bill maintains the current funding level of $3.39 billion for LIHEAP. LIHEAP provided critical assistance to over 6 million households at this funding level in FY 2016.

For more information on funding for other Labor-HHS programs, view this press release from the committee.

The full Senate Appropriations Committee is scheduled to mark up the Labor-HHS bill tomorrow at 10:30am. It will be webcast here. You can also review our most recent legislative update which gives a preview of this busy September on Capitol Hill.
