Poverty Simulation Volunteers Needed

On Thursday, Aug. 3, we’re hosting a Poverty Simulation in partnership with the Doula Foundation and we’re looking for volunteers who would like to help this be a powerful experience! 

During a simulation, participants role-play a month in poverty and experience low-income families’ lives, which may include taking children to school, looking for employment, paying bills, etc. Volunteers simulate the roles of businesses and organizations in a community, such as a teacher, employer, mortgage company, and more. The experience is followed by a debriefing, giving all a chance to reflect and comment on what they have learned. Volunteers do not need to have special knowledge to help during a simulation – all instructions will be provided on the day of the event.

“We love the poverty simulation because it offers a truly meaningful, insightful experiential learning opportunity for the participants…It’s one of our most powerful tools for reframing issues of poverty.”  Afron January, Community Action Partnership of Utah

Those interested in volunteering can sign up here.