19 Apr Daisy’s Story
“I’m very happy to be in the OACAC Home Based Program, it’s helped me through so much. Not only with my child but myself too! ”

Daisy, pictured left, met Brenda Sanchez-Acuna, OACAC Head Start Home Visitor, through a family member enrolled in the Early Head Start (EHS) Home Visiting program.
When Daisy became pregnant in 2019, she enrolled in the EHS Home Visiting Program with Brenda, knowing how beneficial the program had been to her family member. Daisy shared with Brenda how she had struggled with anxiety in the car since she was younger. This anxiety kept her from learning to drive and limited her ability to be self-sufficient. Daisy had received counseling during her pregnancy, but that resource ended after her baby was born in late 2019. Brenda, along with HS Counselor, Chad Hunter, talked with Daisy about how Head Start ARPA funding could support her returning to counseling to address anxiety.
After a few months of counseling, Daisy’s counselor suggested driving classes to help her deal with her anxiety about driving a car with her baby and move forward with her goal of increased self-sufficiency. Daisy enrolled in driving lessons in early November 2022 and finished in early January 2023. On January 13, 2023, the day Daisy completed her driving course, she obtained her driver’s license! Because Daisy’s boyfriend works away, having her license makes it easier for Daisy to take care of appointments and errands for her and her son.
Daisy said she plans to get a job once her three-year-old starts preschool. Having her license has strengthened her confidence and set her up for success in job-hunting. Daisy continues to see her counselor to strengthen the skills she’s learned to manage her anxiety. Daisy said her counselor provides her with effective strategies to help her overcome her anxiety. Daisy shared, “I’m very happy to be in the OACAC Home Based Program, it’s helped me through so much. Not only with my child but myself too! ”