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Media contacts:                                                                                                                         Betty Reno – OACAC Dade County Neighborhood Center (417) 232-8020 | breno@oac.ac Jordan Browning – Ozarks Food Harvest (417) 865-3411 ext. 129 or (417) 844-4031 cell | jbrowning@ozarksfoodharvest.org FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE OACAC-Dade County Neighborhood Center receives capacity building grant from Ozarks Food Harvest Grant will allow Ozarks Area...

People's Pantries are free standing food banks for people to access any time. We extend our many thanks to the communities who have welcomed People's Pantries and to the volunteers, donors, and partners who support this project, which seeks to reduce food insecurity. ...

“Take what you need, give what you can." A new People's Pantry has been installed outside of the Bois D'Arc United Methodist Church 10463 W. Hwy T in Bois D'Arc. The People’s Pantry project was created to address food insecurity by providing increased and...

“Take what you need, give what you can." The People’s Pantry project was created to address food insecurity by providing increased and free access to food to anyone, regardless of income, anytime day or night. The community is encouraged to donate if they can,...